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국내 최초의 압축프로그램이 나왔으니.. tomp
압축하면 확장자는 omp 이다..

프로그램을 실행시키면

TOMP 0.90a Copyright (c) 1992 Han jay lyong. Not for commercial use. 92-07-07
All right reserved. Free for non-commercial personal use only. v0.90 ALPHA.
Syntax : TOMP <command> [-options ...] OMPname[.OMP] [@listfile] [files ...]
Examples : TOMP a test,, e test e:*.c *.h,, f -k -we: mp -s -x*.exe test
< Commands >
A: Add files     U: Update files    F: Freshen files    D: Delete files
M: Move files    E: Extract files   X: eXtract files with full path (mkdir)
T: Test archive  L[p]: List files   V[p]: Verbosely list files, [Pause]
S: create a Self-extacting archive  C[a]: add/edit file comment [All file]
I[sa]: Insert an comment file [Save to file] [Ask to continue]
[ Options ]
W[DIR]: assign Work directory       E: Exclude paths from names(-R option)
R: Recurse sub-directorys           A: Allow any attributes
K: sKip time-stamp check            I: without progress Indecators
D: Delete source file(s)            S: create a SFXMP after command
M[xnfz]: mXimal / Normal(default) / Fast / Zero compression
F[rhsa]: Mask off attributes Read-only, Hidden, System, Archive (default ALL)
T[ab][YYMMDD] : Select files [After | Before] [YYMMDD] (default TODAY)
X< files|@listfile > : eXclude selected file(s) or file(s) in @listfile
files = Name of file(s) with/without wildcards. Default is ALL except D command
@listfile = Listfile which contains names of files.    <at least one> [optional]

라고 나온다..

압축율은 zip 보다 좋거나 비슷하다..


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Posted by 키플러